How A Naturopath May Support You!

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is an approach to medicine that focuses on the body as a whole, utilising the idea that all systems are interconnected along with the body's innate healing ability to heal itself. Naturopathy focuses on  6 main principles of healing including Do No Harm;(Primum non nocere) utilising the least invasive healing methods. 2. The Healing power of nature;(Vis medicatrix nature) utilising the body's ability to heal itself and using substances that originated in nature. 3. Identify & treat the causes;(Tolle causam) the root cause effect, rather than treating from a symptom approach, what are the underlying causes of illness and why. Doctor as teacher (Docere); utilising education to improve a patient's health literacy and ensure long-term health. 5. Treat the whole person;(Tolle totum) interconnecting all the body systems and how they work synergistically to ensure balance within the body. 6. Preventure;(Praevenic) Preventing illness is better than cure, this idea stems from ensuring treatment of the root cause occurs before developing a chronic disease. 

How a Naturopath works

Naturopathy utilises many treatments usually starting with diet and lifestyle as this is the least invasive approach, along with herbal medicines whether this be herbal teas, tinctures tablets and nutraceutical medicines in the form of powders, or capsules through the use of scientific evidence to ensure the correct therapeutic dosage and ensuring there is research to back up claims of use a herb or nutrient. Traditional use of herbal medicine is also a factor when deciding which treatment is right for you. Following a consultation which usually includes an in-depth conversation around each body system, questions about symptoms and when they began, and a deep dive into diet and lifestyle.  An individualised treatment plan will be written up including any modifications to lifestyle or dietary changes, along with nutraceutical and herbal medicines specific for you and your root causes. 

A follow-up appointment will occur anywhere between 1-4 weeks to discuss any changes in symptoms, how you are feeling after taking the prescriptions and changes made in your life. 

Conditions a Naturopath may work with

Common conditions a Naturopath may support you with include; Gastrointestinal issues including bloating, IBS, SIBO, constipation/diarrhea, and reflux. Skin conditions include Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, and Psoriasis. Nervous system support; Stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, Eating disorders. Hormonal support includes PCOS, Period pain/ PMS, endometriosis, amenorrhoea, Post pill concerns, and fertility. Immune support including hay fever, allergies, resistance to cold/flu, and long COVID support, along with improving general well-being and overall health. 


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